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Erik Bitzek's blog

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PhD Position in Atomistic Simulations of Microstructure-Induced Failure

The mechanical properties of alloys, and thus their susceptibility to damage and failure, are determined by their chemical composition as well as by their process-dependent microstructure. While microstructural modifications are well-known to improve, e.g., the yield stress or fatigue lifetime by orders of magnitudes, no thorough atomistic methods for systematic high-throughput exploration of the microstructure space have been performed yet. 

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3rd Fundamentals of Fracture Symposium

3rd International Symposium on the Fundamentals of Fracture

26.03. - 31.03.2023 in Dresden, Germany.

Fracture is a complex multi-scale, multi-physics phenomenon and a fundamental, mechanism-based understanding is needed to disentangle the underlying, interacting processes. With this topical session we aim at connecting specialists from the fields of solid-state physics, materials science, continuum mechanics, statistical physics and mathematics to cover theory, numerical modeling and experiments related to:

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1st virtual colloquium on Fracture across Scales

I would like to direct your attention to our 1st Virtual FRASCAL Colloquium which is organized by the DFG funded Research Training Group GRK 2423 "FRASCAL - Fracture across Scales".

Erik Bitzek's picture

Three Ph.D. Positions in Computational Atomistic Modeling

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg is inviting applications for three doctoral research positions to begin immediately. The successful applicants will work together with Prof.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Session on "Data driven materials science" at the DPG Spring Meeting (Dresden, Germany)

Dear colleagues, 

we would like to make you aware of the topical session 

"Data driven materials science"

which is part of the MM program during the DPG Spring Meeting 2020. The latter takes place March 15-20, 2020, in Dresden.  

If you are performing experiments or simulations in this emerging field, you are most welcome to contribute your abstract.

Erik Bitzek's picture

ISAM4 2019 - 4th International Symposium on Atomistic and Multiscale Modeling of Mechanics and Multiphysics

Following the success of three former meetings (Tokyo 2011, Tokyo 2013, Brno 2016), the fourth ISAM4 meeting will be held at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany from August 5th to 8th 2019. 

Erik Bitzek's picture

Group Leader Position in Computational Materials Science

The Institute for General Material Properties of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is inviting applications for a group leader in the area of Computational Materials Science. The Materials Modeling Group conducts research into the elementary defects of the crystalline lattice and on how their organization and interaction influence the mechanical properties and failure of metallic materials.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Open Postdoc & PhD positions in Computational Materials Science

In the next months, we have a couple of openings for Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students in Computational Materials Science. If you are interested and at the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston (Nov 25th - Dec. 2nd) , hit me up!

Erik Bitzek's picture

Abstract Deadline approaching: Symposium on Fundamentals of Fracture @ DPG

this is a gentle reminder that the deadline for abstract submission (December 1st) for the 
Fundamentals of Fracture Symposium at the joint meeting of the German and European Physical Societies (DPG and EPS) in Berlin, March 11-16 2018, is rapidly approaching. 

Erik Bitzek's picture

2 Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials Science

Within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg the materials modeling group of the Institute for General Material Properties is inviting applications for postdocs in the field of atomistic simulations of mechanical properties.  The research projects will focus on the role of interfaces on the plastic deformation and fracture of nanostructured materials.

Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Computational Materials Science / Glass Physics

The Atomistic Materials Modeling group of Prof. Erik Bitzek is inviting applications for a fully funded PhD position at the Institute for General Materials Properties within the Department of Materials Science of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany. The objective of the PhD project is to use atomistic simulation methods to study the influence of topological anisotropy on the mechanical properties of inorganic glasses.


Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Atomistic Simulations / Computational Fracture Mechanics

The Institute for General Materials Properties of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is seeking outstanding candidates for the project “microKIc – Microscopic Origins of Fracture Toughness”, which is funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Fundamentals of Fracture Symposium at DPG-EPS Meeting 2018

Sandra Korte-Kertzel, Peter Gumbsch and I are organizing a Symposium on the Fundamentals of Fracture

at the joint meeting of the German and European Physical Societies (DPG and EPS) in Berlin, March 11-13 2018.


Erik Bitzek's picture

Modelling and Simulation of Superalloys 2017

Hands-on tutorials and an International Workshop on Modelling and Simulations of Superalloys will take place 

March 27th-31st at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Symposium on Atomistic and Mesoscale Aspects of Fracture and Fatigue


I would like to point you to the 

Mini symposium at the 14th International Conference on Fracture Rhodes, June 18-23 2017

on Atomistic and Mesoscale Aspects of Fracture and Fatigue

Chair: Prof. Peter Gumbsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology & Fraunhofer IWM, Germany

Co-chair: Dr Gianpietro Moras, Fraunhofer IWM, Germany

Erik Bitzek's picture

Curvature matters!

In a recent article in Acta Materialia ("Atom probe informed simulations of dislocation-precipitate interactions reveal the importance of local interface curvature" ) we showed how the interface curvature influences dislocation - precipitate interactions.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Review Article: Atomistic Aspects of Fracture

Any fracture process ultimately involves the rupture of atomic bonds. Processes at the atomic scale therefore critically influence the toughness and overall fracture behavior of materials. Atomistic simulation methods including large-scale molecular dynamics simulations with classical potentials, density functional theory calculations and advanced concurrent multiscale methods have led to new insights e.g.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Influence of anisotropic elasticity on the mechanical properties of fivefold twinned nanowires


In this paper in the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (vol. 84, p. 358, ) we propose a
new theory for the mechanical properties of fivefold twinned nanowires.

We show that the Frank vector of the central wedge disclination depends on the uniaxial strain,

Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Atomistic Simulations / Computational Nanomechanics

The Institute for General Material Properties of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is seeking an outstanding PhD candidate to participate in a research-training group on in-situ microscopy on nanoscale objects.



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