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boundary condition in 3d model

here is a simple question

I have modeled the reduced section of a  tensile test specimen in 3D (a simple cylinder; falt surface in x-y plane, length in z direction).  I applied a load on one flat surface of the cylinder, and put the opposite flat surface as a symmetry plane. 

When I plot the result after the simulation of a tensile test, the cylinder moved in the direction perpendicular to the application of the load.  I was expecting it only to increase in length in the z direction.

Is there any other boundary conditions I should have considered?

use of CINT command for J integral calculation of 3d model with ansys

I used for the first time the CINT command with ansys, and I get strange results:

negative values

very different values for 2 adjacent nodes on the crack front

non converging values (values fluctuating from 1 contour to another, going up and down)

Also, i don't know what are the units of the J integral (I am using SI units, dimensions in mm ).  It's important to know so I can calculate the SIF

How can I know what contour gives the best result? what are the units of the Jintegral in the SI.

Anybody have some information for me?

Rotation of a model

I created a 3D model in Ansys, and when I wanted to mesh, I realised that the model was created in the wrong plane:  the area I wanted to mesh was in the x-z plane, while the plane82 element I needed to use needs to be in the x-y plane.

 Is there a way I can rotate my entire model instead of starting from the beginning?

In addition, how can I create a cylinder with the circle in the x-z plane and its depth in the y direction.  Creating circles and cylinder only gives the option to create the circle in the x-y plane.





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