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Michael A. McCarthy's picture

Seeking postdoctoral researcher - Molecular Dynamics of CNT-nanocomposites

The Irish Research Council ( has a funding scheme for postdoctoral researchers. I am seeking someone to submit an application to IRCSET to obtain funding to work within my group, in Modelling of CNT-based nanocomposites. The chances of success are high for candidates with a good research record. The deadline for applications is December 8th.

Intermediate Mechanics of Materials - 2nd Edition

Springer has just published the second edition of my book
`Intermediate Mechanics of Materials'. The book covers a selection of topics appropriate to a second course in mechanics of materials. Many books with titles like 'Advanced Mechanics of Materials' are pitched at a much higher level than most introductory courses and this can present a significant barrier to undergraduate students. My intention in this book is to make this transition smoother by discussing simple examples before introducing general principles and by restricting the mathematical level to topics that can be treated using ordinary differential equations rather than PDEs.

BoJing Zhu's picture

Two cases about using 3D LBM code

Example 1: using LBM predicting rock physics propertiy under ultra-high temper and pressure condition

Example 2: using LBM analyze mantle convection

Kejie Zhao's picture

Inelastic hosts as electrodes for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries

Silicon can host a large amount of lithium, making it a promising electrode for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries.  Upon absorbing lithium, silicon swells several times its volume; the deformation often induces large stresses and pulverizes silicon.

IOSO Optimization for Turbomachinery new Video Tutorials


We would like to offer you step by step Video Tutorials of IOSO Optimization coupled with Concepts NREC and NUMECA software:

1) by this we show how easily you can use direct integration capabilities between IOSO and Concepts NREC software to solve optimization tasks in turbomachinery

2) here we consider IOSO – NUMECA coupled solution on the example of an optimization case study for turbomachinery

felipecardenas's picture

LATEX for Windows 7 ??

Somebody know something about the software LATEX for write in Windows 7? ..How or where get it or download it?.


phunguyen's picture

Looking for a postdoctoral position in the field of (solid) computational mechanics


My name is Nguyen Vinh Phu, a PhD student at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. I have been working with Prof. Bert Sluys on a project named "Coarse graining of failure in heterogeneous solids" since July 2007. I am finishing my work and therefore seeking for a postdoctoral position starting after July 2011.

My expertise in computational solid mechanics includes

(1) Finite elements, extended finite elements and meshless methods.

Regarding Interlaminar stress

Hi  I am working on the project which deal with approximation of interlaminar stress using Ansys software . So can anyone suggest me how we can find the inter laminar stress in laminated composite under transverse loading 

benzerga's picture

Faculty Position in Aerospace Materials at Texas A&M

The Departement of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University
is seeking to fill two positions this year. One position is in the area of
aerospace materials. Details about the position and the application process may be found in the attached file.

ErwanVerron's picture

European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber - ECCMR 7

The 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber will take place in the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Dublin, Ireland, 20-23 September 2011.


Deadline for abstract submission: the 5th of December 2010





Open Postdoctoral Position in In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy at MIT

Open Postdoctoral Position in In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT


Chris W Smith's picture

New positions at University of Exeter

Two new positions, Professor and Associate Professor, (both tenured) are now available in Engineering or Physics at the University of Exeter.

best life

dracker prager plasticity model with softening

Hi my friends,i am using Dracker prager plasticity model to simulate uniaxial compression (softening) of coal dracker prager, the shear criterion is linear, and the hardening type is compression. there is a table that i should fill out, this table composed of yield stress and abs. plastic stain. my question is:- how can i fill out this table by using the experimental data (stress-strain diagram for uniaxial compression test) ?? shall i convert these data using any equations??

Postodoctoral position in multiphase flow in porous media, University of Texas at Austin

The postdoctoral researcher will develop three-dimensional, network-like
models for fluid displacement in low permeability porous media. Such
porous materials involve multiple relevant length scales (e.g. micro-fractures
connected to the adjacent matrix) and models to date are not representative.

This research-only position will be supervised by Drs. Maša
and Steven L. Bryant from Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.

Beam on elastic foundation

Dear All,

I am wondering that is there any closed form solution for beam on elastic foundation in case which we have got two stiffness for the springs namely (axial and shear stiffness). The axial force are born because of the some loading conditions in the support.Would you please help me about this?

Thank you,


Post necking behavior (Steel)

I am simulating the tensile test of steel specimen to confirm that
resulting force displacement data matches with experiment. Since the
true stress true strain formulas are not valid beyond necking i have to
rely on actual neck measurements of flat sheet geometry. I have
identified swifts parameter also to use in the material model but some
how i am unable to match my results beyond necking. Any suggestions??

Ashfaq Adnan's picture

USNCCM-11 Minisymposium on Multiscale Transport Phenomena in Biological and Biomedical System

Dear Colleagues:

Wing Kam Liu and I (Ashfaq Adnan) would like to invite you to submit abstract(s) to the following mini-symposium at the upcoming 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics ( The congress is scheduled to be held on July 25-29, 2011 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

 14.2 Multiscale Transport Phenomena in Biological and Biomedical System 

Strain stiffening induced by molecular motors in active crosslinked biopolymer networks

We have studied the elastic response of actin networks with both compliant and rigid crosslinks by modeling molecular motors as force dipoles. Our finite element simulations show that for compliant crosslinkers such as filamin A, the network can be stiffened by two orders of magnitude while stiffening achieved with incompliant linkers such as scruin is significantly smaller, typically a factor of two, in excellent agreement with recent experiments.

felipecardenas's picture

Had somebody implemented the MMA or GCMMA algorithm (Svanberg) in the 99 lines Topology Optimization Matlab code(Sigmund)?

Hello everybody,

 I need some help. I have a lot of problems trying to implement the MMA or GCMMA optimizer in the Sigmund's Topology Optimization code (99 lines). Have you ever do that?. Please, is very important for my pregraduate thesis.


 Felipe Cárdenas Díaz

Universidad de Concepción - Chile



一、招聘条件     获得知名大学力学或相关学科博士学位;发表过多篇高水平学术论文;有较强的团队合作能力及宽阔的学术视野; 


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