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Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME Transactions) now publishes very fast.

Yonggang Huang's picture

Journal of Applied Mechanics (JAM) received 526 submitted manuscripts in 2013.  Among them 4 are still in review.  

The average time for the 1st round of review, with the decision to accept, or reject, or revise, is 18 days.  After the 1st round of review, the average time to make the final decision is 34 days, which include both the authors' revision time and 2nd (and more) round(s) of review.

After acceptane the uneditted manuscript appears online with the assigned DOI within 48 hours.


Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Yonggang:  Thank you so much for a job so well done!  These are really impressive numbers.

Konstantin Volokh's picture

Yes, I join Zhigang. JAM becomes (returns to be) the journal of the first choice. Congrats.

Dear Yonggang, this is amazing and will help the community tremendously. Great job and thanks!


Rui Huang's picture

Indeed, my recent experience with JAM has been very good. Quick and reasonable reviews, followed by rapid online publication. Thanks to Yonggang for a great job.

For the moment though, the IT staff need to put their act together to fix a glitch with the links to Accepted Manuscripts. The problem has been reported, but the action has been slow so far by the standard of the digital age.


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