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EML is born

K Jimmy Hsia's picture

Dear Friends,
Let me assure you that we (the editorial team) are just as anxious as you are to see what kind of papers are published by EML, with similar anticipation as one looks at a new born baby for the first time.  Does the baby girl have big eyes like her mother? Or does the baby boy have little hair on his head like his father? Or the baby is just different, different from all other children, and beautifully so.

Now 12 articles are available online on ScienceDirect (see, recent articles). I have to confess that I am in fact pleased with what I see.  Here are some observations:

  1. Although all papers address mechanical aspects of some phenomena, they are quite interdisciplinary, and not necessarily mechanics-centric; 
  2. Many papers address issues in important areas to the society such as bio/medical science (mechanics of healthy and diseased human red blood cells), micro-nanotechnology (stress evolution in thin films and plasticity in micro-pillars), energy materials (stresses in lithium-ion battery materials), interesting mechanics phenomena (patterns in elastic sewing machine), and various phenomena in soft materials (Ca2+ triggered stress generation in hydrogels, toughening of hydrogels, etc.);
  3. The percentage of experimental papers seems to be higher than that in other mechanics journals.

Is this good or bad? I don’t know, since I cannot predict the impact of these papers. But I think it is interesting.

Was this by design? No. We cannot control what you submit.

What will EML be like as it grows? The answer is in your hands.

So EML is born. It is YOUR baby! Please join these authors to help shape the future of EML.



Zhigang Suo's picture

Thank you, Jimmy, for your leadership and for taking us this far.  Heartiest congratulations on your new position as Vice Provost at Carnegie Mellon University!  Look forward to hearing about your new experience.

A note for readers:  All initial articles are freely accessible. For example, here are Manoj Chaudhury’s paper on coalescence of drops, and Jian Ping Gong’s paper on stress generation in hydrogels.   More papers are in the pipeline. They will be posted on the web page of recent papers.  I have put this page on the home screen of my iPad.  The HTML files of the papers look great.

Please help us promote EML by sending the link to your friends.

Zhigang Suo's picture

As noted above, initial papers published in EML will be freely accessible.  For some technical reasons, the marketing manager of EML needs to request for each paper to be freely accessible after it is online.  There will be a delay between the time when the paper is online and the time when the paper becomes freely accessible.

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