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Positive definite stress-strain matrix in Ansys

muhendismrt's picture

Dear friends,

 I'm an MSc. student at Bogazici University, Turkiye and I'm working on a thesis project about the failure behaviour of fiber reinforced laminated composite plates under different loading types. The material which we use are AS4 fiber reinforced  prepregs and their mechanical properties are the following:


E11 =134,000 MPa

E22 = E33= 9480 MPa

G12 = G13= 5490 MPa

G23 MPa =3272

nu12 = nu13 =0.271


nu23 =0.448 

We are almost sure about the validity of the values of mechanical properties due to the fact that experimental, numerical and empirical approaches give similar results. 

I am using Ansys Mechanical APDL and plate is modeled by solid elements (solid 46, solid 186), etc. When I enter commands to Ansys by using batch file it gives the error given below:

 The stress-strain matrix of material 1 is not positive definite, which is required for real materials. Being positive defiite means that 1.0-NUXY**2*EX/EY-NUYZ**2*EY/EZ-NUXZ**2*EX/EZ-2.0*NUXY*NUYZ*NUXZ*EX/EZ must be positive, but is equal to -2.20701288. Consider reducing the Poisson's ratios.

I asked to a friend to solve the same problem with Abaqus and there was no error.


Is there anyone who can tell me how to deal with this problem?

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