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Strength map of carbon nanotube

Teng Li's picture



In theory, carbon nanotubes are 100 times stronger than steel at one-sixth the weight, but in practice, scientists have struggled make nanotubes that live up to those predictions. This is partly because there are still many unanswered questions about how nanotubes break and under what conditions.

Recently, Prof. Boris I. Yakobson at Rice University, his former postdoc Traian Dumitrica (now assistant professor at University of Minnesota), and his doctoral student Ming Hua, have developed a new computer modeling approach to create a “strength map” that plots the likelihood or probability that a carbon nanotube will break—and how it’s likely to break. Four critical variables are considered in the model: load level, load duration, temperature, and chirality. This work was published in the Proceedings of the National Adacemy of Sciences (Apr. 18, 2006 Cover feature). Full text pdf file of this paper is available here.


Zhigang Suo's picture

In any case, we should honor copyright.  You may as well make a link to the website of the paper in the journal.  People can access to the full text by localizing the website of the paper to their own institution.

Teng Li's picture

Thank you for the heads-up. I've fixed the link. In fact, since the paper is a cover feature of PNAS, the full text is free to public.

Perfect paper

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