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python script


could everyone here telle me why sometimes when i run a python script in abaqus ,it gave me all the model,i mean the cae file, except  the sketch geometry 

i got the message  "the script used to crearte this sketch must be upgraded.Alternatively use the command :mdb.models[modelname].convertAllSketches()"

It seems like a version issue with your script using certain keywords not readable by the newer ABAQUS version of yours. Haven't had such an issue with Python so far.


If you could share one segment of your sketching code, it might be helpful to investigate further.



thx for replying to my question!

and this is the link for the file M talkin about ! u could run it in Abaqus !the problem as i told u is that it gives me all ,the model the cae file ,but when it won't give me the sketch for the parts and it asks me for upgrading by that feature ,i already mentioned ,mdb.models.... wait for ur answer thnx again 

ow!thnx Permalink !M writing this message juss to inform u that my problem is resolved now !i found it .


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