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Subcritical bifurcation in a self-excited single-degree-of-freedom system with velocity weakening–strengthening friction law: analytical results and comparison with experiments

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Nonlinear Dyn DOI 10.1007/s11071-017-3779-4 ORIGINAL PAPER


A. Papangelo, M. Ciavarella, N. Hoffmann

The dynamical behavior of a single-degree-of-freedom system that experiences friction-inducedvibrations is studied with particular interest on the pos-sibility of the so-called hard effect of a subcritical Hopfbifurcation, using a velocity weakening–strengtheningfriction law. The bifurcation diagram of the system isnumerically evaluated using as bifurcation parameterthe velocity of the belt. Analytical results are providedusing standard linear stability analysis and nonlinearstabilityanalysistolargeperturbations.Theformerper-mits to identify the lowest belt velocity(vlw)at whichthe full sliding solution is stable, the latter allows toestimate a priori the highest belt velocity at which largeamplitude stick–slip vibrations exist. Together the twoboundaries[vlw,vup]define the range where two equi-librium solutions coexist, i.e., a stable full sliding solu-tion and a stable stick–slip limit cycle. The model isused to fit recent experimental observations. 

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