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ANSYS FSDT element


 I need some help regarding the use of ANSYS. 

I want to compare some results for static and buckling analisys of plates I got using Navier and Galerkin methods with the results given by ANSYS. My problem is that, as you know, one has to choose the element type. I need to use an element that corresponds First-Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT).

Can anyone tell what elements corresponds to FSDT in ANSYS???

Or tell what book to search or send a link or anything that could help please?

I've been digging around in google, and some books (Reddy's, Szilard's, Troitsky's and other books) and I couldn't find much information regarding FSDT or ANSYS elements  theory.


For those whom this information might become handy, the FSDT is also known as Mindlin Theory. So you can search into ANSYS help by that name. The elements you can use are SHELL 181, 281, 163 and SOLSH 190. For further information about the elements (You might need to choose one of them regarding your application) you can check for ANSYS help.

see ya!

Isn't SHELL 93 a FSDT element too? In ansys help on SHELL 281 discription is said this element can susbtitute SHELL93.


One more question not about this post. Anyone knows the equations for solving orthotropic plates by Navier method.

Any book about it would be nice too, i calculated myself the equations using the equilibrium equation like for isotropic paltes, but i would like to be sure of them.




this is a bit off d topic but i thought wud mention it. i want to map mesh a thin cylinder using a shell element either 93 or 181 but i an unable to do so.. hw can i obtain a good mesh??


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