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Geometric factor for mode II stress intensity factor for a finite strip under under pure shear loading

The geometric factor for mode I stress intensity factor for a finite strip under pure tensile loading is reported in Tada handbook as F(a/h) = 1.122 - 0.231(a/h) + 10.55*(a/h)^2 - 21.71*(a/h)^3 + 30.382*(a/h)^4 , but in the existing literature, I could not find such geometric factor for mode II stress intensity factor for a finite strip under under pure shear loading. Does anyone know such geometric factor for mode II stress intensity factor for a finite strip under under pure shear loading, if it is reported in the existing literature? or, if it is available in any unpublished sources?



 You should refer to Prof. Suresh's paper titled 'Mixed-mode fracture toughness of ceramic materials' (1990) from Journal of American Ceramic Society. In this paper, the authors use a 4-point bend specimen to develop an experimental technique where the combined effect of Mode I and Mode II is studied.  They give expressions for both KI and KII as follows. 




Here, P is the applied load, A and B are the offset of the load points from the center (for the assymetric 4-point bend specimen), B is the thickness and W is the width of the specimen. S is the off-set of the initial crack from the center line. FI and FII are geometric factors which depend on a/W (or on a/h in your case). 

From this formula, if you choose S to be 0 (ie initial crack at the mid-span), you find that KI goes to 0 and KII is non-zero, implying pure Mode-II conditions.The geometric factors have been reported by Prof. Suresh and his co-authors in this paper and are plotted against the relative crack depth (a/W). 



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