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ASME IMECE2010 Symposium on Integrated Structures and Hybrid Materials

Teng Li's picture

The Integrated Structure Technical Committee in the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME invite you to submit an abstract to the Symposium on Mechanics of Integrated Structures and Hybrid Materials in Advanced Technologies at the 2010 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE).

Date: November 12-18, 2010
Venue: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

This symposium aims to offer a forum to foster discussions on the latest advances in the cross-disciplinary field of integrated structures, including but not limited to hybrid materials and integrated structures (e.g., hard/soft, inorganic/organic, electrically or thermally insulating/conductive, etc.) in integrated circuits, micro/nano electromechanical systems, flexible and stretchable electronics, energy systems, biological materials and structures, and multifunctional materials. The objective is to forge interactions among active researchers from both academia and industries working in the areas of applied mechanics, materials science/engineering, and advanced/emerging technologies. Both fundamental research in mechanics and materials and practical applications in advanced technologies are welcome.

A suggested list of topics is as follows,

    * Mechanics of flexible and stretchable electronics (co-sponsored with Electronics & Photonics Division)
    * Mechanics of materials in microelectronics
    * Mechanics and materials in energy systems
    * Mechanics and materials in MEMS/NEMS
    * Mechanics of biological materials and structures
    * Mechanics of soft and active materials
    * Mechanics of multifunctional and smart materials

To submit an abstract, please

1.      Go to:
2.      Select Track 12 (Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids)
3.      Topic area 12-14 (Symposium on Mechanics of Integrated Structures and Hybrid Materials in Advanced Technologies)

The tentative deadline for abstract submission is March 1, 2010.

In the past, the Integrated Structure TC in Applied Mechanics Division of ASME has been organizing a series of successful and well-attended symposia in this topic area at IMECE. We look forward to your continuous support to this effort and hope to see you in the beautiful Vancouver in this November!!

Organizing committtee:

Teng Li (University of Maryland)
Jun He (Intel)
Xiaodong Li (The University of South Carolina)
Hanqing Jiang (Arizona State University)
Xiaohu Liu (IBM)
Zhen Zhang (Microsoft)

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