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A funded PhD position: University of Western Ontario, Canada


We are looking for a talented, self-motivated, and enthusiastic student with a BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or materials engineering. Students with strong background in crystal plasticity and computational mechanics are recommended to apply.


Lihua Jin's picture

Concurrent reaction and diffusion in photo-responsive hydrogels

Concurrent reaction and diffusion in photo-responsive hydrogels

Xuan Chen, Lihua Jin

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Diffusion-induced wrinkling instability in a circular poroelastic plate

A poroelastic material can imbibe solvent and swell. When the material swells inhomogeneously or

swells under external constraints, stresses can develop inside the material. The stresses can trigger

mechanical instabilities in the material or even break the material, which have been often observed

in experiments. In this paper, we study the wrinkling instability of a circular poroelastic plate, in

the process of solvent molecules migrating into the plate from the edge. The critical conditions for

diffusion equation using finite element


I would like to write a simple subroutine to solve diffusion equation d(ro)/dt = k∇2(ro). using finite element method.

Any suggestions ?




Li Han's picture

Water diffusion and fracture behavior in nano-porous low-k dielectric film stacks

Among various low-dielectric constant low-k materials under development, organosilicate glassesOSGs containing nanometer-size pores are leading candidates for use as intrametal dielectrics infuture microelectronics technologies. In this paper, we investigate the direct impact of waterdiffusion on the fracture behavior of film stacks that contain porous OSG coatings.

A Note on Stereology

The best place to start is Wikipedia:

Most active research in stereology is done in medical and biological community.

Wei Hong's picture

A theory of coupled diffusion and large deformation in polymeric gels

   A large quantity of small molecules may migrate into a network of long polymers, causing the network to swell, forming an aggregate known as a polymeric gel.  This paper formulates a theory of the coupled mass transport and large deformation.

Journal Club Theme of July 2007: Mechanics of Hydrogels

Before we start this issue of J-club, I would like to recommend Prof. Langer's lecture for his MRS Von Hippel Award in the 2005 MRS Fall Meeting (Langer, 2006). His lecture not only delineated the history of the new exciting field of drug delivery and controlled release, but also told us many interesting stories happened in his career development. With Prof. Langer's pioneer work, many new materials are developed for designing new drug delivery and controlled drug release systems.

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