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Compatibility: Surface-Based Cohesive Behavior in UEL

Hi all,


I have been trying to model the surface interaction between two blocks of material using surface-based cohesive elements (*cohesive behavior). This works well in ABAQUS CAE (standard) when I set the material properties as "Mechanical, Elastic" so no problem with that.

However, I would now like to use the material properties from a fortran code. To do this, I was planning on defining the elements using *UEL with an overlay to record all the values. Is this compatible with cohesive zone elements? 


Frictional Coulomb model in Abaqus

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to add friction in my model.Now I have a body that is simply supported in a direction (vertical) and free to move in another one (horizontal). I want to use Coulomb friction in the horizontal direction in order to reduce displacements in that direction.

I read Abaqus User's Manual vol5 30.1.5 (frictional behavior) and I followed commands written there, but I think that works only with multiple bodies and not with a single body. I'm using Abaqus 6.7-1.

Could Someone help me?

Many many many thanks


Journal Club Theme of Oct. 1 2008: Fluid - Structure Interaction, an overview of current trends and challenges

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Starting with a solid mechanics background, I have been recently interested in fluid-structure interactions for applications in biomechanics of soft-tissues; and thought that the iMechanica Journal Club forum would be a good opportunity to share my personal experience and start a discussion on this challenging inter-disciplinary subject.

how can apply a tightening torque

I use the abaqus present , how can apply a tightening torque between an implant (screw) and the bone with abaqus......... thank you



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