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fatigue crack propagation

Lazuardi Pujilaksono's picture

Fatigue crack propagation

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Hi, I'm trying to perform a supposedly-simple experiment on fatigue crack propagation of UHMWPE. I use a compact-tension specimen on a servopulser hidraulic testing machine. I will try to do the experiment on a fix Pmax with a varied force ratio (R) from 0.1 to 0.5. I'm having trouble in deciding the maximum force Pmax. How does one decide the amount of force applied for FCP testing? Calculation steps and so on.

3D crack growth with remeshing using Z-set/Zebulon

Recent advance in adaptive remeshing techniques now gives the possibility to efficiently simulate complex 3D crack growth using conform meshing of the discontinuity. An exemple of such kind of mixed mode simulation with adpative remeshing can be seen on YouTube:

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