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Angelo Simone's picture

Short Course on Enriched Finite Element Methods at WCCM in NY

We'd like to announce an upcoming short course in Enriched Finite Element Methods at the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics ( The course will be held on Sunday 22nd July at the New York Marriott Marquis hotel.

More information can be found on the flyer and at the course page.

Post-doctoral Researcher in Advanced Modelling (TU Delft)

Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering at TU Delft

The 3mE Faculty trains committed engineering students, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers in groundbreaking scientific research in the fields of mechanical, maritime and materials engineering. 3mE is the epitome of a dynamic, innovative faculty, with a European scope that contributes demonstrable economic and social benefits.

Post-doctoral Researcher in Advanced Modelling (TU Delft)

 Job description 

As systems become more complex and multidisciplinary, design of these systems also becomes more complicated. To assist design of such systems, physical models and computational tools are needed for their analysis and optimisation. The SOM group's research focus is on the development of such advanced (computational) design techniques, combined with the understanding and design of innovative mechanical devices in precision and microsystems engineering. 

Elena Benvenuti's picture

X-DMS Conference

You are cordially invited to attend X-DMS 2015 which continues and replaces the successful X-FEM conference cycle (Achen 2009, Cardiff 2011, Lyon 2013) and aims at including a wider variety of methodologies coming from different areas of computational mechanics and numerical analysis.

X–DMS 2015: eXtended Discretization MethodS XFEM, GFEM, Non Conforming, Patches and nonstandard finite elements

9 – 11 September, 2015 – Ferrara, Italy

Angelo Simone's picture

Phd position in computational mechanics

A fully funded PhD position is immediately available in the area of multi-scale modeling of geomaterials within the research project "Failure of cohesive geomaterials: bridging the scales - GEOBRIDGE" at Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques (3S-R), Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.

Angelo Simone's picture

PhD position in computational mechanics

A fully funded PhD position is available in the area of multi-scale modeling of geomaterials within the research project Failure of cohesive geomaterials: bridging the scales - GEOBRIDGE at Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques (3S-R), Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. 

A Problem in Nature Of XFEM Approximation

There is a basic problem in NATURE of approximation of discontinuity in element using XFEM.I tried to illustrate that below:
for example, If you consider an element with strong discontinuity( like fracture or contact) which usually we use heaviside function as enrichment function. we expect two parts of element deform independently because of nature of problem.

In equation for approximation of this element we have two main parts. First  is 'regular' or 'standard' part which uses the standard shape functions of element and Second is the enriched part.

Ettore Barbieri's picture

The Future of Meshless Methods

I joined imechanica almost a year ago and I've been frequently following its interesting discussions, even the most animated ones. I think that a place like this is ideal to foster the exchange of ideas in the scientific community;

Moreover it is fantastic as a simple student like me can interact and easily ask questions to the most important researcher in the field of mechanics.

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