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Chandima Uyanage's picture

[Free Webinar] Simulation for the manufacturing process of all solid-state battery

Join this global webinar to learn about the latest multiscale simulation technology that can be used to predict the performance of powder molded products ⇒ Sign Me Up


as's picture

PhD fellowship at m4lab@UNIBS within a joint work between Academics and Industry.

 The Multiscale Mechanics and Multiphysics of Materials Lab ( at the School of Engineering at the University of Brescia, Italy announces a PhD fellowship on the subject of Modeling and simulations for next generation lithium-ion cells. The fellowship is fully funded and will last three years.

Jihong Ma's picture

PhD Positions in Polymer Simulation at the University of Vermont (USA) - Fall 2024

Multiple PhD positions are available for Fall 2024 in the Department of Physics or the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Vermont in Dr. Jihong Ma's group. Successful candidates will work under the supervision of Prof. Jihong Ma on projects related to atomistic simulations of polymers. The candidates should have a strong background in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and preferably have experience in MD and/or MM simulations. 


marc53042's picture

Postdoctoral Research Opportunity at TAMUG

The Ocean Engineering Structures and Extreme Material Laboratory (OESEM) of the Department of Ocean Engineering at the Texas A&M University, Galveston has an opening for 1-year Postdoc position (which may be extended anually upon contract renewal) to conduct research in the areas of computational fracture modeling and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of gaseous mixtures starting in July 2024.

A pseudoelastic response of hyperelastic composites reinforced with nonlinear elastic fibrous materials: Continuum modeling and analysis

Abstract: The present study aims to develop a continuum-based model to predict the pseudoelastic behavior of biological composites subjected to finite plane elastostatics. The proposed model incorporates a hyperelastic matrix material reinforced with nonlinear fibers, addressing challenges such as irreversible softening responses, large deformations, and nonlinear stress–strain responses.

cdeng's picture

2 Ph.D. Positions in Computational Materials Science at the University of Manitoba, Canada

About Us: The University of Manitoba (U of M or UM) is a public research university in Manitoba, Canada. The university maintains a reputation as a top research-intensive post-secondary educational institution and conducts more research annually than any other university in the region. The teaching and research activities at the Department of Mechanical Engineering cover multiple mechanical engineering fields including solid mechanics, materials sciences, fluid mechanics, manufacturing and e.g.

Jihong Ma's picture

2024 IMECE-Advances in Soft Material Modeling Abstract Submission Invitation

Dear Colleagues,
The deadline for the IMECE abstract-only submission (07/16/2024) is approaching quickly and we would like to invite you to submit your abstract to the "Advances in Soft Material Modeling" topic. This topic is organized by me (Jihong Ma at the University of Vermont), Professors Hossein Salahshoor at Duke University, Nikolaos Bouklas at Cornell University, Shawn Chester at New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Aditya Kumar at Georgia Institute of Technology.

OPENINGS FOR A POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER in Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL) Johns Hopkins University

                                                                               OPENINGS FOR A POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER


Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL)

Johns Hopkins University

Professor Somnath Ghosh


Article: A frequency-independent second-order framework for the formulation of experimental fluidelastic forces using hidden flow variables

The importance of fluidelastic forces in flow-excited vibrations is crucial, in view of their damaging potential. Flow-coupling coefficients are often experimentally obtained from vibration experiments, performed within a limited experimental frequency range. For any given flow velocity, these coefficients are typically frequency-dependent, as amply documented in the literature since the seminal work of Tanaka and Takahara.

5 PhD and postdoc positions in composites @Ghent University, Belgium, Europe

The research group Mechanics of Materials and Structures at Ghent University (UGent-MMS) has 5 vacancies for PhD and postdoc research in the field of fibre-reinforced composites. The vacancies are linked to research on composite hydrogen tanks, micromechanical testing of composites and finite element modelling of textile connections. All research will be conducted with leading companies in the field.

More information can be found on

mohsenzaeem's picture

Localized plastic strain accumulation in shape memory ceramics under cyclic loading

The premature failure of shape memory ceramics (SMCs) under cyclic loading is a critical issue limiting their applications as actuators and thermal protection layers. Martensitic phase transformation (MPT), essential for superelasticity and shape memory functionalities in SMCs, induces localized plastic deformations due to phase expansion. In polycrystalline materials, the accumulation of localized plastic strain serves as the primary mechanism for fatigue crack initiation under cyclic loading.

bigspaggio's picture

Summer School on Machinery Advanced Diagnostics

On Behalf of Prof. Marco Cocconcelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia I would like to point out the Summer School on Machinery Advanced Diagnostics (MAD), that will be held on the Garda Lake in Italy at the end of June. The summer school is addressed to PhD students, researchers, and specialists working in the field of machinery diagnostics and condition monitoring.
The aim is to provide advanced skills and knowledge for the design and development of predictive diagnostics solutions for mechanical systems.

MKB's picture

Two PhD positions in design of hybrid composites

Dear all,

We have two exciting PhD positions at Aarhus University, Denmark.

The common subject is the design of hybrid composite materials for high performance application, but with safety and reliability in mind.

Please follow the links from below for further details (Note, applications only following these links).

Ali Ghahremaninezhad's picture

Immediate Ph.D. Positions in Low Carbon Infrastructure Materials

Eligibility: Due to the project timeline, only students currently residing in the United States are eligible.

Ph.D. research positions are available immediately in the Advanced Infrastruture Materials Research Lab at the University of Miami to perform research in the area of low carbon infrastructure materials. Highly motivated applicants are encouraged to send a CV to Dr. Ali Ghahremaninezhad via email at

Journal Club for May 2024: Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials with Nonlinear Properties

Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials with Nonlinear Properties

Bolei Deng, Georgia Institue of Technology

1.   Introduction

Hangbo Zhao's picture

Immediate postdoctoral position in soft robotics at USC

The Zhao Research Group ( in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at University of Southern California is seeking applications for an immediately available postdoctoral position in soft robotics. The objective of this project is to develop novel dexterous soft robotic manipulators incorporating advanced sensors, actuators, and closed-loop control.

Post Doc Experimental Mechanics - Cambridge UK

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University to work on Experimental Mechanics.

SwarnavaGhosh's picture

Violation of the Cauchy-Born rule in High Entropy Alloys

Dear Colleagues,

I am sharing a recent paper titled "Violation of the Cauchy-Born Rule in multi-principal element alloys" published in Applied Physics Letters. Here is the link to the paper:

Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Atomistic Simulations of Microstructure-Induced Failure

The mechanical properties of alloys, and thus their susceptibility to damage and failure, are determined by their chemical composition as well as by their process-dependent microstructure. While microstructural modifications are well-known to improve, e.g., the yield stress or fatigue lifetime by orders of magnitudes, no thorough atomistic methods for systematic high-throughput exploration of the microstructure space have been performed yet. 

Funded position - Experimental reactive fluid mechanics for aerospace applications

We welcome applications for several PhD positions in reactive fluid mechanics for aerospace application. More specifically on the fire resistance of Li-Ion batteries and composites as well as on hydrogen combustion. The PhD position available involve experimental work but can also include a numerical simulation component. The student is therefore expected to carry out laboratory work, data analysis and numerical simulation tasks, with a focus to be identified according to individual interests and qualifications.


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