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blue waffles

What consequences can cause sexually transmitted infections ?Sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility and women , ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage and affect the health of offspring . If timely and early not recognized and treated , sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility and women , ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage and affect the health of offspring . Infection HIV virus that causes AIDS is still deadly . Anti- viral sexually transmitted disease no effective cure. Only the hepatitis B vaccine , which was introduced in a regular program of compulsory vaccination . Bacterial STDs are successfully treated with antibiotics . Preventing the transmission and spread of sexually transmitted infections

Hormonal birth control pills do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases . Basic principles regarding the reduction of risk of transmission and spread apply to all sexually transmitted diseases . Complete Security provides only abstain from sex with strangers and ( or ) a mutually faithful relationship between two uninfected persons ( if you have a sexual relationship with a healthy partner who has sex only with you ) . If there is a suspicion of possible infection in a previous sexual relationship or relationships , it is necessary to go to a doctor for early detection of infection and treatment . Effective protection against sexually transmitted infections , and against unwanted pregnancy , provides regular use of condoms . Security protection condom depends on its quality and proper application . Provides the safest protection latex condoms coated with spermicide contraceptive , which before use was stored in a dry and cool place . Use it exactly according to the enclosed instructions , to limit the use printed on the packet blue waffles  tblue waffle

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