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Linking Abaqus/Fortran for running subroutine in UBUNTU (linux)-Abaqus GUI Graphical issue(Transparent-/transluscent)

Intructrion on how to link Abaqus and Fortran for running subroutines (In Linux-UBUNTu) including: intel c++ /Fortran and Abaqus: including:
a) The requirements, b)
Installation of Intell C++ and FORTRAN on linux machine c) How to fix the graphic issue (Transluscent screen) in abaqus after installation d) How to link the Abaqus and Fortan for running subroutine (UMAT or VUMAT).

Hope it can be helpful. It is just a collection of information for
the purpose of running subroutine (UMAT) in abaqus and in Linux (Ubuntu)
machine. It took me relatively long time to figure all out and hope it
will help you get it work easier.

First of all the requirements:
a) Abaqus version (6.11-2) was used here.
b) Intel fortran and C++ 10.1 or 11.1 (Here the installation is for intel fortran and C++ 11.1)
c) In linux, the abaqus website says it is only compatible with Suse and
red-hat but I could install it on Ubuntu as well so, any of these
should work. (This manual is for Ubuntu 10.04 and should be applicable
to other versions as well)

1) Installation of Intell C++ and FORTRAN on linux machine:

2) Installation of Abaqus

3) Resolving the Graphic Issue and running the abaqus

After using the command "path to abaqus (/....Commands and ./abaqus cae" and opening the abaqus graphical user interface (GUI), you might find it very transparent and not easy to work with. Here is the solution for that: We need to add XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 (env variable) before running the abaqus. so instead of typing just ./abaqus cae for running the GUI, you should type the below command each time when you want to run the abaqus (It has to be in the right directory) :                                     
env XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 ./abaqus cae

It is easier to make this env variable permanant. In this case you do not need to perform it each time that you want to run the abaqus. For doing it permamantly, we can set it in .bashrc file by opening the
.bashrc file using "gksudo gedit ~/.bashrc" and defining an alias as:                            
alias abaqus="XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 /(Path to abaqus)/abaqus"                                  For example in my case it would be:

alias abaqus="XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 /home/smml/abaqus/Commands/abaqus"
using alias (As you can find in the references below) help us to just by calling abaqus, run the env variable as well as give the right path for the abaqus. Now "abaqus" is known and just by typing "abaqus cae" we can run the abaqus and we dont need to provide the path to abaqus directory any more.                                                                                                         

4) Linking the Fortran with Abaqus and running the UMAT

a) First of all in linux machine the fortran files are not known as
.fort or .For which were used in windows. Linux knows them as .f . so we need to change them to .f

b) For runnung abaqus with subroutine we should run "
abaqus job=myjobname user=myfortranfilename int". If we run it now, an error will occure: Some error like: "ifort is not available in the
PATH".  We need to add the "ifort" path to the environment variable "PATH". it can be done
temporarily (Should be repeated in each terminal
individually) by running
PATH=/path to ifort.var/:$PATH"
(Example in my case:"export
PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/bin/intel64:$PATH") before running the "
abaqus job=myjobname user=myfortranfilename int" .
If you want to make it a permanent change in PATH (Which is preferable since
we dont need to run it manually each time), you should do
"gksudo gedit ~/.bashrc" and add the line " export
PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/bin/intel64:$PATH" to the end of the file.

by doing that you should be able to run the abaqus job=myjobname user=myfortranfilename int and the error about the "ifort PATH" should not appear again.

c) Another error might happen " about the missed shared libraries
"" which is located in intel libraries (you have previously
installed the intel C++ and Fortan softwares). It should be in
"/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/intel64" . In Ubuntu
versions before 10.04, it could have been added to "
but since it is not available in 10.04 and probably next versions (Due
to security reasons) we should follow another procedure.

Thanks to :

You should

  • consider the intel library folder " /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/intel64"

    echo "/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/intel64" | sudo tee /etc/

    (again: note that, "/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/intel64" is the
    runtime library path that I want to be shared. While libifort.conf is a
    new file I created, it can be whatever name)

  • Then we need update the cache


    sudo ldconfig -v

Now you should be able to run your subroutine using "abaqus job=myjobname user=myfortranfilename int" without any problem.



Hi, I am trying to follow the tutorial. But when I type:




I got error message: /setup: Command not found.


If I type



then I get error:

set: Syntax Error.


How to fix this? Thanks!!!





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