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Abaqus Doubts.

Manoj Krishna Majumder's picture

I am very new in abaqus and that's why using some tutorial posted by Brown University. The site is

In this tutorial they open the abaqus from dos prompt by the command mk_ABAQUS. I used the same but could not worked out. Besides they used command prompt for post processing and other stuffs. How can I do the same in my PC. I mean using GUI is fine but writing some command and executing the program seems to be fun.Can anyone help me out of this problem.

 Thanks  a lot.!

I would use the Abaqus Getting Started: Interactive Guide. They have excellent tutorials.

If you want to start Abaqus from the command line, run "abaqus cae" and it will open Abaqus/CAE. You can pre- and post-process Abaqus analyses in CAE. If you are only doing post, you can open only Abaqus/Viewer using "abaqus vi". This is slightly faster to open, though the real reason to use it is if you have separate CAE and viewer tokens.

To run the abaqus solver (Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit) you use the following command: "abaqus job=jobname" where your input filename is jobname.inp. This will submit the job and immediately give you back control of the DOS prompt. To have it keep control until it finishes running, use "abaqus interactive job=jobname". You can also add lines such as "cpus=2", "datacheck" and others for specific operations. As I mentioned before, the documentation in Abaqus is both extensive and excellent, so check it out if you're new to the tool.

Also, if the "abaqus" command is not found, add C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\Commands to your path environment variable (on Windows). The fix is similar on Linux.

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