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ALE adaptive meshing in abaqus used for modeling crack propagation

Good mourning, i have been asking a question about Abaqus capabilities to model crack propagation using an adaptive remeshing technique on abaqus, i know it is possible to use what it is called ALE adaptive meshing on abaqus standard/explicit, is it possible to use this option to model a crack propagation in materials and structures, it is well know that during a monotonic crack propagation, each length of the crack correspond a level of load, and to evaluate the following parameters such as SIF and G, we have to mesh a circular region centred on the crack tip, so we have to remesh the Geom

A.Brick Chaouche's picture

EPFM on Abaqus

Good mourning, is it possible to perform an analysis within the framework of an elasto-plastic fracture mechanic on abaqus, and if it is the case could anyone give a guidelines for that, thank you

A.Brick Chaouche's picture

About the classification of the rupture mode of materials via the experimental tests:

Some materials exhibits a Brittle/Ductile rupture during a test (ex: traction test) one can notice that by examining the shape of the stress/strain curve, some people try to examine the rupture surface via a microscopic observations, the surface's reliefs can be helpfull to find out the main microscopic mechanisms responsible of the final rupture of the considered material, for those who have a significant experiance in this fiels, what are the most imprtant methods ( or steps to take) used to classify the rupture of a studied material to take into account as a sufficient arguments for this

A.Brick Chaouche's picture

need help with meshing

Good mourning, i have a question, i need to draw a geometry and mesh it, and then turn the mesh datas (nodes and their coordinates, elements and their connectivities ... etc) in a data file to use it in a program written on fortran or another language i want to read the datas from a file to fill out victors and matrices within my program, i point out that it is for a fracture problem, please may any one suggest some free or open source software to to 2D or 3D meshing with a suited FE for fracture problems under quasi static load. My pleasur

A.Brick Chaouche's picture

using cohesive zone models to study the initiation and the propagation of cracks in a welded structures

 Good mounring, i have a question, i want to investigate the initiation and the ptopagation of cracks near a welding, or within the diffrent zones near it, my question is:

1. Is it permisseble to use the cohesive models to study this kind of fracture problems

2. If the answer is yes, what are the parameters and the measures to take in order to well use them.

2. Is there any previous studies in this field, and can you cite some articles.

Thanks very much. 

A.Brick Chaouche's picture

experimental tests results of the propagation of cracks, to determine the characteristic parameters of the cohesive models

Good mourning, it is well known that the cohesive forces models permet an easy and less combersome computation of the crack problems, these models formulated in term of stress are accompained with a scale effects because of the presence of a crachteristic lengths like the critical opening/sliding value, and the length of the cohesive zone at the begining of the propagation. In order to set the values of the characteristic lengths of the model used in the simulation for a given material, it is intressting to do that through an experimental tests like a compact tests.

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