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postdoctoral position - isogeometric analysis

IMATI-CNR and the Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia offer a postdoc position on isogeometric analysis. This research project focuses on the design and implementation of innovative isogeometric methods for solid/fluid mechanics.  In particular the target applications are related to

- nearly-incompressible and fibered materials

- fluids in geological formations

postdoctoral position - isogeometric analysis

IMATI-CNR and the Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia offer a postdoc position on isogeometric analysis. This research project focuses on the design and implementation of innovative isogeometric methods for solid/fluid mechanics.  In particular the target applications are related to

- nearly-incompressible and fibered materials

- fluids in geological formations

This research project is partially supported by the private sector, and is supervised by Annalisa Buffa and Giancarlo Sangalli.

postdoctoral position - isogeometric analysis

IMATI-CNR and the Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia offer a postdoc position on isogeometric analysis. This research project focuses on the design and implementation of innovative isogeometric methods for solid/fluid mechanics.  In particular the target applications are related to

- nearly-incompressible and fibered materials

- fluids in geological formations

This research project is partially supported by the private sector, and is supervised by Annalisa Buffa and Giancarlo Sangalli.

PhD and postdoc positions in Pavia

The Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia is currently offering 1 PhD position (3 years) and 2 postdoc positions (1 year, renewable) within the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant HIgeoM. This research project focuses on mathematical study and development of isogeometric analysis for solid and fluid mechanics.

Interested candidates may find a detailed description of the activity and the instructions how to apply here:

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