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13 PhD positions + post-docs available end of 2011 (Subject to successful negotiations)

Salary : €37,000 per annum for Ph.D. students (Early Stage Researchers Marie Curie Fellows) 

“Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology (INSIST)” Leader: Prof. Timon Rabczuk, Weimar Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN)
Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN

The objective of our proposed research is the development and implementation of the next generation
design/simulation methods. The key outcome of this research is a system/methodology that allows the
analysis, simulation and design of engineering products in a more efficient way, reducing costs and offering
the unique opportunity for European CAD and CAE companies being ranked in first place. This
project aims to extend the IA concept of Hughes and co-workers who focused on the unification of CAD and
whereas we aim to generalize this idea to unify pre-processing (in
general) and analysis; in this sense all our methods are isogeometric
since they exploit the shape functions to discretize the design model
also in

the context of numerical analysis (the simulation model). Another main advantage of the proposed
generalized isogeometric analysis is its wide applicability. This requires a strong collaboration between
universities and companies, which is reflected in the composition of our team.
The research programme is structured into 4 main sub-programmes addressing the most urgent issues in the
generation and development of efficient design and simulation models:
• Programme A: CAD Feature Processing (2 projects).
• Programme B: Pre-Processing and Mesh generation (4 projects).
• Programme C: Numerical Analysis/CAE (6 projects).
• Programme M: Voxel based analysis (1 project).


Coordinator: Weimar (Rabczuk)
Cardiff (Bordas, Kerfriden, Kulasegaram, Simpson)
Cardiff (Martin, Langbein)
Johannes Kepler University (Juettler)
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Rodenas, Giner, Tur)
Cenaero (Duflot)
InuTech (Vogel)
Simpleware (Young)

Associated partners
University of California-San Diego (Bazilevs)
Carnegie Mellon University (Zhang)
Transcendata (Butlin)
Numerical Geometry Ltd (Sabin)



Hello, I will get my PhD degress this August, now i am trying to find a post PhD position,

Thanks for your information, can i get more information about where and how to apply? 

hassan giashi's picture

Dear Mr. Bordas

I have got an M.Sc in Mechacical Engineering with some good experience in designing and constructing of mechanical components. also I am teaching academic courses of mechanics at university. I keenly like to take part in the mentioned opportunity and I appeal you to give me some information how can I apply?


mafuyin's picture

Dear Mr. Bordas:

     I am a Chinese student in  Mechacical Engineering, my research  interesting is noise and vibration of verhical. In these two years there are 11 papers have published and 4 papers of it could search by Ei Village. In addition, 4 papers have uder reviewing by different journals like Journal of Sound and Vibration and  Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control transaction of ASME. I can apply some FEM software like ABAQUS and MARC, CFD software like fluent, noise software like FFT.Actran and LMS. Virtual.Lab. My Email

Harsha Tirumala's picture

Dear Mr. Bordas,


I am an Indian student in Mechanical Engineering( Industrial & Production). I will completing my bachelors degree from K L University in May 2012. I have done many govt funded research projects in vast areas such as Biofuels form vegetable oils, algae. crash anlysis in LS DYNA, CFD analysis in FLUENT, LMS Virtual.Lab, Projects in the field of manufacturing, Production planning, inventory management, supply chain management, JIT production technique etc. I also have knowledge of different sofwares such as Altair hyperworks, Ansys, Pro-Engineer, Catia, LABVIEW. my email is

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