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Abstract deadline extended: August 15. ISCM III, Taipei, December 2011, Minisymposium of "Multiscale Methods in Plasticity"

Zhiqiang Wang's picture

Abstract deadline extended to August 15, 2011 for ISCM III-CSE II in Taipei, Taiwan, December 5-7, 2011. Please submit your abstract to the minisymposium of "Multiscale methods in plasticity".


We invite the submission of abstracts for a Minisymposium of Multiscale
Methods in Plasticity at the Third International Symposium of
Computational Mechanics (ISCM III)
in conjunction with the Second
Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE II), which will
be held in Taipei, Taiwan, December 5-7 2011. Abstract submission
deadline is now August 15, 2011. Please check the conference website for more
details (

Plastic deformation involves important phenomena across multiple length
scales. Physics-based modeling of material plasticity requires the
understanding of those phenomena at every single scale as well as
linking scales in order to pass fundamental deformation mechanisms from
the atomistic to the macroscale. This minisymposium invites
presentations on recent research related to multiscale methods in
plasticity, including but not limited to Ab-initio, molecular dynamics,
dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity, computational continuum
plasticity, and coupling between these methods.



Professor Zhiqiang Wang, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas

Professor Jaafar El-Awady, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Professor Akiyuki Takahashi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science

Professor Alfonso Ngan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong

Professor Nasr Ghoniem, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

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