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Open Access journals for Computational Mechanics

In many fields there are excellent choices for publishing open access (even without costing all that much). For computational mechanics that doesn't seem to be the case.

Looking through DOAJ I could mostly only find rather small and obscure journals. What I would like is at least something that gets listed on ScienceDirect (and other common places such as Google Scholar and such). I would write more requirements, but I dont think I am in a position to be picky here. A decent homepage, ability to comment, automatic statistics, online versions, creative commons licensing, decent ranking, etc. would also be on my requirements if I could wish.

From what I could find, these seemed most promising to what I had in mind (some are a bit too mathematically oriented, but perhaps some articles could fit the subject);

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Advances in Mathematical Physics

Boundary value problems

International Journal of Differential Equations

Feel free to suggest related themes as well (mathematics, pde, plasticity, continuum mechanics).

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