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Postdoctoral positions in statistical modeling of fracture and plasticity

We anticipate the opening of four postdoctoral positions in 2012 to work on statistical aspects of fracture and plasticity,  and in particular on size effects in the fracture of  disordered media and in microplasticity.  The positions will be funded by the ERC Advanced Grant 2011, SIZEFFECTS.

We look for candidates with a strong background in one or more of the following areas:
- statistical mechanics (scaling, critical phenomena, disordered systems)
- numerical modeling fracture
- dislocation dynamics simulations
- molecular dynamics simulations of mechanical properties of solids.

Two positions will be based at IENI-CNR in Milano ( ) and two positions will be based at the ISI Foundation in Torino ( ). The starting date is somewhat flexible  from the spring of 2012 onwards.

Interested candidates please send an me an email with their CV (stefano.zapperi _at _

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