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Postdoc opportunity at Harvard in mechanics of soft materials for wearable devices


The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University invites applications for immediate openings for a joint postdoctoral fellow position between the Whitesides Group (Prof. George Whitesides) and the Harvard Biodesign Lab (Prof. Conor Walsh). The research is expected to involve material science and mechanics of soft materials with a focus on developing novel materials (e.g. actively variable stiffness, flexible composites, etc) and fabrication approaches for the next generation of wearable devices that can apply assistive forces to the wearer during locomotion.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Materials Science or Mechanical Engineering and a proven track record of high quality publications. The candidates should have a strong interest in contributing to multidisciplinary teams (engineers, biomechanists, physiologists, and computer scientists) and will be expected to publish scholarly papers and attend international conferences, as well as take on a mentorship role for undergraduate and graduate students. Candidates with strong leadership experience, a broad range of technical skills and a track record in translating conceptual ideas into working prototypes will be strongly considered.  Experience in biomaterials and/or biomedical device engineering is a strong plus.

Applications, assembled as a single PDF file, should contain a complete resume, cover letter describing research interests and goals, full list of publications, copies of up to three relevant scientific papers, as well as the names and contact information of three references (expected to provide letters of recommendation).

Applications should be sent to

Harvard University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and applications from women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged.

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