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Complex numbers in structural dynamics

Stefan Szyniszewski's picture

Dear All,

Can you recommend a book, which introduces complex numbers in the context of
structural dynamics? 

It seems that recasting differential equations with unknown acceleration,
velocity and displacement in the complex number format helps to arrive at the
solution. It seems indispensable when dealing with damping.

I am looking for a resource that formulates dynamic equations of motions
using complex numbers, with step-by-step explanations.

Your advice and thoughts will be appreciated.

Thank you,



Dear Stefan,

Did you try Prof. Preumont's lecture notes [^]? ... Just noticed it after a quick Google search right today. 



Saar, why bother? This topic is not in the AICTE syllabus. And, saar, it's not written in AICTE and UGC's documents that metallurgical BE & MTech can be becoming a professor in the mechanical department and start teaching mechanical subjects, even if he is having a PhD in mechanical. So, teaching going beyond the syllabus is also not becoming possible. "'Relevant' subject means, mechanical, mechanical, metallurgy, metallurgy." [A killing smile.] ...


So, quantum physics, quantum physics (complex amplitudes). Structural dynamics, structural dynamics (real amplitudes). Why bother? And, none of them would like it. The Pandes' D., the Kharates' Gajanan, the Bhattacharyas' Samir, the Manthas' S., the Prakashs' Ved, the Sibals' Kapil, the Vayalars' Ravi... none of them would like it.


3. Stefan, you asked for both advice and thoughts, didn't you? Well, since it's only today that I became aware of this interesting way of looking at structural dynamics (thanks to your post), conducted the Google search and ran into Prof. Preumont's notes, I couldn't possibly have offered any advice---I could only suggest. But, yes, when it comes to thoughts, i did try to share my [recurring even if transient] thoughts. I sincerely hope that you appreciate those.




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