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Do-it-yourself iMechanica Get Together

Zhigang Suo's picture

The classes are over. The summer is coming! Rui Huang, iMechanician Number 22, has just arranged an iMechanica Get Together in an evening at McMat 2007, in Austin. Here is a tentative agenda. Please join us if you are in town.

A number of other iMechanicians have mentioned to me that they, too, would like to meet one another at their own conferences. Why not? We have been "talking" online for a while. Some of us know each other in person. Some don't.

If you'd like to meet up at an upcoming conference, simply post an entry in the iMechanica Get Together Forum. To gauge the interest, you may want to email the link of your post to a few friends and ask them to suggest ideas.

A get together need not be of any size or any format, so long as you enjoy it.


Is it possible to hold a poll to see how many iMechanica readers plan to attend McMat07 vs  Plasticity 2007 (since the dates overlap) vs neither?

I'm interested in knowing which type of conference researchers assign more value - a general one like McMat or a specialized one like Plasticity 2007.  Personally, I have mixed feelings about conferences that include a huge range of topics.


Zhigang Suo's picture

I've just set you up with a new role:  a pollster.  You should find a button "poll" in the header of your iMechanica.  We'll see how it works out.  If it works out well, we can add more users to this role.

Thanks Zhigang!

I've posted the poll at

Mark E. Walter's picture

Unfortunately, the Society for Experimental Mechanics ( annual meeting also overlaps with McMat! In addition, all of these conferences occur during finals week for schools on the quarter system! (Yes, classes are not over for all of us.) Even if the conferences did not overlap exactly, it is nearly impossible to justify two conferences in the same week, especially if they are in opposite sides of the country. As it is now, the conference "experience" is $1500 - $2500 plus overhead. Are there any solutions to the overlap (and the cost)?

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