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Coordinate system of results in shell 93 element table

Dear all,

I use shell93 in ANSYS Mechanical APDL 12.1 to model an isotropic thin cylinder in global cylindrical coordinate system 1 (R: radial, Ө: tangential, Z: axial) to perform harmonic analysis. I would like to obtain forces and moments per unit length in cylindrical coordinate system 1 which are provided in the element table, ETABLE, so I change the elment coordinate system of all elements to be parallel to the cylindrical coordinate system mentioned before. What I get from the element table are the values of forces and momnets per unit length in Cartesian coordinates (TX,TY,TXY,NX,NY,MX,MY,MXY). I would like to know how to obtain the forces and moments per unit length in cylindrical coordinate system 1 (TӨ, TZ, TӨZ, NӨ, NZ, MӨ, MZ, MӨZ).

Anyone can help would be much appreciated.

Best Regards,


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