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Jobs: advertised and applied for

In this thread, I intend to create a record of all the job applications related to CAE (teaching, research or application engineering) and/or software development for the same (research or application engineering) that I have made, and responses, if at all any, that I have got. (Jobs involving a component of management are included.)

This blog entry is unusual in that I intend to reply back myself, one reply per job application I have made (sometimes going back as far back as 4 years or more). I have a lot of "data" as I have gone without a job for 6 years out of the last 6.5 years.

One of the purposes of this blog entry is to highlight a new societal trend (at least new in India, and also new in engineering fields as far as I can tell about the situation in USA) whereby job advertisements are floated more towards building a public image for an employer rather than with a view to actually hire someone *competent*--someone who can rationally be expected to perform up to the mark or better. The most important purpose, of course, is to try and see if I thereby get any better treatment and actually land a good, interesting, responsible and challenging job in a supportive environment.

I will not be posting all the jobs I have applied for or apply now on. There are some applications I made that were purely from a temporary earning viewpoint. I shall not mention such applications here. There also may be other valid reasons not to mention other applications--for instance, if I know that the company has already gone bust! However, no difference is made between sufficiently good consulting opportunities and permanent jobs.

To ensure a just treatment from my side, I intend to wait for a month or so before posting here the name of the company or the employer and the details of the job description. For comparisons, the reader may refer to my Web site: (While browsing that site, please bear in mind one fact: The information about my achievements and skills, as currently given at my Web site, is not yet complete.) Also, note that in many cases, if the job was sufficiently interesting, I have been willing to work at a lower level, with concomitantly lower salary too. (Here, also see MBA salaries!!).

Anyone--even someone who knows the iMechanica moderators--is welcome to write me with a definite possibility of making a firm job offer to me provided he identifies himself and the concerned iMechanica moderator/member.


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