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Abaqus - ART Plugin help

Hi all

I am trying to use ART plugin for Stent crimping and expansion

Have the stent and artery drawn in abaqus

First question - where can i find the example of  Expansion-Relaxation-Crimping of Stent that Simulia has advertized on its page?

I have made an account and searched but never been able to find it.

Second question coming back to ART plugin - ( I have the art file from abaqus)

Getting this error 

ERROR in job messaging system: Error in connection to analysis

Error in job Job-1: The executable standard.exe aborted with system error code 1073741819. Please check the .dat, .msg, and .sta files for error messages if the files exist...............

Now am i making a mistake while inputting datas in the plugin or the subroutine that Simullia has provided is not enough and I need more or my own ????

I am stuck. Help needed

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