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Ken Kamrin is the recipient of the 2014 Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty

Pradeep Sharma's picture


It gives me great pleasure to announce the outcome of the 2014 competition for the Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty. This award is given annually to rapidly emerging junior faculty who exemplify the creative use and development of mechanics. The intent of the award is to promote the field of mechanics, especially among young researchers. The selection committee consisted of: K. Ravi-chandar (UT Austin), Huajian Gao (Brown University), Kaushik Bhattacharya (Caltech), Roger Fosdick (Minnesota University), and Yonggang Huang (Northwestern University).


The award consists of $ 1500 cash and a commemorative plaque. The recipients are honored at the ASME Applied Mechanics Banquet.

The recipient of the 2014 award is Professor Ken Kamrin from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The award will be formally presented at IMECE 2015.


Kejie Zhao's picture

Congratulations to Ken on the distinguished award!!

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Ken, sincere congratulations to you!

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