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Rotating deformable parts in eroding contact in Abaqus Explicit

I am trying to model (3D) dressing process in which both the dressor and the grinding wheel are rotating as deformable bodies using ABAQUS 6.13 (Explicit analysis). I want to simulate a small portion from both wheels rotating against each other with general contact. To rotate them I am applying coupling constraint. However, when I apply coupling constraint to rotate the wheels with their respective reference points (RP's), they become rigid in sense that no stresses are developed. Even if I apply only VR3 to RP's, no stresses will develop in the grinding wheel or dressor. I have checked the contact stresses (CPRESS), these are generated temporarily when dressor contacts the grinding wheel surface and then vanished as the contact point moved on.

Initially to apply coupling constraint, I constraint all the nodes of each wheel segment to their respective RP’s and I got rotation of both wheels as rigid bodies. Later I tried to constraint only the base/bottom surface of each wheel to its RP, in this case only the bottom surfaces rotated about their RPs and upper segments of wheels did not move/rotate at all. This problem is not there in ABAQUS standard.  I have attached the CAE files with both conditions in the dropbox link below. 

Does anyone have any idea how I can overcome this issue. The main goal is to rotate both dressor and grinding wheel segments against each other and produce erosion in grinding wheel.

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