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looking for a book


i'm looking for a pdf version of the book " computational contact mechanics"

PLease do some one could help me with !!!

i'm seraching exactly about lagrangian multiplier method and penalty method for contact problems  and this book may contain what i'm searching about.

Dario Schiano Moriello's picture

do you know the author's name? It could make the research easier.

I've sent you a message.

Yes !his name is  Peter wriggers ! wish u 'll find it .

thanks for replying!

Ajay B Harish's picture

If you have access to Springer through your university, you could download from there.

If you are a beginner, you could also alternatively consult the book "Introduction to Computational Contact Mechanics: A Geometrical Approach" by Alexander Konyukhov & Ridvan Izi.

If you already have a background in contact mechanics & nonlinear FEM, then you could try "Computational Contact Mechanics" book by Peter Wriggers or Tod Laursen. Both of these books are mathematically intensive.

thank u for replying! yes i'm new to the subject, i mena non linear FEM ! so , the book u mentioned might be more interesting for my level.

 i'll search about it. About springer, unfortunately we don't have access to it through my university.


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