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Professor Thomas JR Hughes Elected to the Grade of Distinguished Member of ASCE- USA.‏

Professor Thomas JR Hughes Elected to the Grade of Distinguished Member of ASCE- USA.

Professor Thomas JR Hughes of the University of Texas at Austin has been honored by ASCE for his contributions as an outstanding leader in the engineering profession by being named to the 2015 Class of Distinguished Members. His citation reads: “In recognition of major research contributions to the analysis of structural, solid, and fluid systems, for development of methods incorporated in industrial and commercial software used throughout the world, and for leadership in establishing the field of Computational Mechanics as a fundamental engineering discipline.”

Dr. Hughes is Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and holds the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Chair in Computational and Applied Mathematics Chair at the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin. He is the most influential researcher in computer aided engineering and its integration with computer aided design. His published works have garnered over 63,000 citations and his h-index is 112 (Google Scholar), making him one of the most cited engineers.  He has been identified by ISI Thompson as one of the most highly cited authors in all fields of engineering and scientific computing.  The fruits of his work have been implemented in industrial and commercial computer programs that are used throughout the world.  He has made numerous pioneering contributions to the analysis of structural, solid, and fluid systems, and the seamless integration of analysis methodologies with design representations.  He has created entirely new fields of research, such as Stabilized and Variational Multiscale Methods, and Isogeometric Analysis, and continues to lead their development. 

Dr. Hughes is a member of U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a foreign member of the Royal Society of London, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Hughes has received honorary doctorates from A Coruña, Louvain, Pavia, Padua, Trondheim, and Northwestern Universities.

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