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Regarding a post doctoral position

anishiitk's picture

Hi, I am looking for the post-doctoral position in structural dynamics ( instability of the thin structures, shell theory,  composite structures, static and dynamic buckling of the shells). I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Nonlinear Mechanics Laboratory at Indian Institute of Tehnology Kanpur (India) where Dr. Pankaj Wahi and Dr. Sovan Lal Das have adviced my research for the past four years. My PhD thesis deal with the shell theory and dynamic behavior of the shell ( especially thin-walled circular cylindrical shells). I expect to submit my PhD thesis by the coming January, 2017. 

Find the attached copy of a recent CV of mine.


Anish Kumar

Doctoral Resaerch Scholar,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.




PDF icon Anish_Kumar_CV.pdf41.99 KB
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