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Modern and open finite element code

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MoFEM is open and free finite element code. See short video showing how easy you can install code form scratch MoFEM web page is avaliable here If you are intersted in contribute to MoFEM code or simply use it let us know. Feel free to aks any question.

MoFEM (Mesh Oriented Finite Element Method) it is C++ library supporting solution of finite elements problems. Is developed to o provide free and open, inclusive, participation community finite element code for engineers, students and academics.

MoFEM is a finite element analysis code tailored for the solution of multi-physics problems with arbitrary levels of approximation, different levels of mesh refinement and optimised for high-performance computing. It is design to be able manage complexities related to heterogeneous order of approximations for L2,H1,H-div and H-curl spaces. 

MoFEM is the blend of the Boost MultiIndex containers, MOAB (Mesh Oriented Database)  and PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation). MoFEM is developed in C++ and it is open-source software under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Building a scientific simulation environment for finite element methods is a complicated task. The greatest part of finite element code development is often expended in dealing with technical problems related to software implementation, rather than resolving the underlying physics that the code is intended to tackle.

The demand for accurate solution of increasingly complicated real-world problems means that the underlying data structures also become increasingly complicated. This is particularly evident with multi-physics, hp-adaptivity, and/or evolving geometries (e.g. crack propagation). Established commercial software is often limited in this respect, or can be relatively slow to adopt new technologies. This is the problem that MoFEM attempts to work around, recognising that it is increasingly necessary for engineers, scientists and mathematicians to carry out calculations using several mesh refinements, different approximation orders, multiple degrees of freedom and/or different scales.

MoFEM library itself is designed to be small, modular and extendable. Itself it is not a library of finite elements solving particular problems of continuum mechanics, f.e. the problem of thermal conduction. That is implemented in users modules using MoFEM. User module in principle is an independent project, located in its own repository, which can be public or private. Can have its own copyright and license. Such flexibility, allowing for privacy and different licensing parts of the code, is designed for needs both of academics add industry. Since each user module is implemented with MoFEM, using its internal database, data between modules can be exchanged without prior knowledge of how each module is developed.

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