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Complex geometrical shape design with TURBOdesign Shaper

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Traditionally, the design and optimization of complex shapes have been computationally expensive and improvements gained via trial and error, which is also expensive and less efficient. TURBOdesign Shaper is a software product of Advanced Design Technology that targets to ease the design of complex geometrical shapes. It is a solution for sensitivity analysis and optimization with computational cost being independent of the complexity.

Shaper optimizes complex geometries with respect to given targets, such as total pressure loss and velocity uniformity. It does so by computing the sensitivities of the geometry itself versus those targets and then modifying it. The sensitivity information comes directly from the flow field so the optimized shape is the one that best fits the given flow. Also, the computations related with such a process are independent from the number of design variables, delivering the sensitivities or optimized shape at minimum cost.

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