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PhD positions on modeling of flexoelectricity in Barcelona

irene.arias's picture

We are looking for highly motivated and creative PhD researchers to study electromechanical transduction at the nanoscale. It is well known that by deforming some materials (piezoelectrics) electricity can be produced. What is a relatively new discovery is that by bending any dielectric at the nanoscale, significant electrical signals can also be generated. This is the so-called flexoelectric effect. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop an atomistically-informed continuum-based theoretical and computational framework to study flexoelectricity including surface effects, and use it to both understand the fundamental manifestations of this effect and to engineer new flexoelectric technologies.

The successful candidates will hold a MS degree or equivalent in engineering, physics or applied mathematics, with previous exposure to nonlinear continuum mechanics, mathematical modeling, and mechanics of materials. Previous research experience in theoretical modeling of multiphysics problems such as electro-active materials, computational mechanics or programming is desirable but not required. However, willingness and motivation to expand your expertise by reaching out to other disciplines is required. The evaluation will be on the basis of the academic record and credentials, previous research experience if any, exposure to relevant disciplines, and English proficiency. Besides Skype interviews, it is possible to arrange on-site visits to the lab and the campus in Barcelona.

If selected, you will have access to state-of-the-art computing facilities, will collaborate with postdocs in the group, will have a generous travel allowance for conferences and summer schools, and will be given the freedom to develop your own ideas within the project. You will be expected to commit to the project and lab life, deliver top quality research and participate in paper drafting.

The PhD does not involve coursework, unless agreed by the student and the supervisor. This fellowship does not involve teaching duties.

The starting date is flexible, up to the fall of 2017.

If you are interested, you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible by sending a CV with a list of at up to 3 references, a short (max one page) statement describing your past research experience if any and interests, and your academic transcripts. This and specific inquiries should be addressed to Prof. Irene Arias ( with “PhD applicant-2017” in the subject line.



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