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Post-Doc Postion in MechEng and Materials Science at the Ohio State University

Mark E. Walter's picture

Below is the official description for a post-doc postion at the Ohio State University. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested. 

Provides ongoing research in support of programs sponsored by The State
of Ohio and industry through Case Western Reserve University related to
mechanical property characterization of SOFC formulations; interacts
with students, staff and faculty to meet project objectives; conducts
applied and fundamental experimental research related to SOFCs;
supervises graduate research assistants; attends and presents at
national and international conferences and meetings with sponsors;
produces written publications and sponsor reports;

Knowledge of finite element analysis and mechanical materials
characterization techniques and of other materials characterization
techniques such as acoustic emission, SEM, TEM, XPS, EDS, XRD desired;
experience in performing microstructural and property characterization
of materials desired;


Mark E. Walter's picture

Thanks for your interest in this position. The position has been filled.

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