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2006 American Academy of Mechanics awards - Call for nominations

Rui Huang's picture

From Robert M. McMeeking (UC Santa Barbara).

The American Academy of Mechanics calls for nominations for two awards from its members:

The 2006 American Academy of Mechanics Outstanding Service Award

Preliminary nominations should consist of a one-page letter describing the outstanding service of the nominee to the Academy as well as to the profession, along with a one-page biographical sketch of the nominee, together with the names of at least three people willing to write letters of support in the event that the Awards Committee requests them.

The 2006 American Academy of Mechanics Junior Award

This award, which will be based primarily on research accomplishments, is open to mechanicians whose highest degree was conferred after December 31, 1995.

Preliminary nominations will consist of a one-page nominating letter, one-page curriculum vitae, and re- (or pre-) prints of the candidate's best three papers. In the case of co-authorship of any work submitted, the candidate's contribution must be clearly and explicitly indicated in an attached note.

Please Note:

All preliminary nominations for both awards must be received by e-mail by November 3, 2006. Those that do not arrive by this time will not be considered. If electronic copies of publications are not available, please send them by US Mail in time to reach the Awards Committee by November 3, 2006. Send nominations to Bob McMeeking ( (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106)

Once the preliminary materials are reviewed, additional biographical and complete dossiers may be requested of applicants under consideration.

For additional information on both awards, please contact Professor Romesh Batra, the AAM Awards Committee Chair at The 2006 Awards Committee members are: Chuck Taylor, Sia Nemat-Nasser, Ted Belytschko, K. Ravi-Chandran, Romesh Batra (Chair). Terms of all members expire on 31 Dec. 2006.

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