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Applied Mechanics Division Committee Meetings in Chicago

Zhigang Suo's picture

Rui Huang's post early today reminded me of writing to all of you who are going to ASME meeting in Chicago, 5-10 November 2006, a short 10 days from today.

As I wrote in September, much of the initial planning for the next year's Congress will happen at the committee meetings this year. These meetings will formulate possible topics for symposiums in the next Congress. Surely you would like to see your favorite topics get picked.

Meetings of all Technical Committees are open to all. Please find the meeting times of the Technical Committees that interest you. You may also want to know who are the Chairs of the 17 Technical Committees in the Applied Mechanics Division.

If you come to Chicago this year, you don't want to miss the Applied Mechanics Annual Dinner, considered by many mechanicians the highlight of the Congress. This year's Dinner will be on Thursday, November 9. Ken Johnson, of the University of Cambridge, will deliver the acceptance speech of the Timoshenko Medal.

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