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Faculty Position in Solid Mechanics at Kansas State University

The Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Kansas State University invites applications for a tenure-track position in solid mechanics. The new faculty member is expected to enhance and complement current research areas in the department. Our strategic focus is on physics-based mechanics. Current solid mechanics research areas include: ballistics of composite materials, fabrication and characterization of nano- and micro-scale materials, phononic band gap materials, metamaterials, fracture, and adhesion. Qualifications include a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering or related field, a desire to teach at all levels, and an ability to obtain sustained research funding.

The department has approximately 640 undergraduates, 70 graduate students, $5.4M/yr external funding, and 20 faculty. Manhattan is a vibrant city of about 50,000 in the scenic Flint Hills, and is known as a family community. More information can be found at

Applications and inquiries should be directed to Professor Daniel Swenson, Search Committee Chair, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, 3002 Rathbone Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5205, or Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a resume, statements of teaching and research interests, and at least four professional references. KSU actively seeks diversity among its employees and is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

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