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Modelling Ice deformation and fracture in Abaqus

Hello Abaqus Users,

I am new to Abaqus: I am trying to model formation and propagation of fractures in glacial ice (note: ice deformation mainly by plastic flow). I was wondering if anyone has modeled ice as a material exhibiting a nonlinear behavior, or possibly have a user subroutine for ice that I could use. Thanks in advance for any help.



Hi Danie,

 Unfortunately, I'm a user of LS-DYNA. However, my reserach is similar to yours. I don't think you can find existing subroutine for ice for your to use as this might be a very new topic.

 which kind of ice feature are you going to investigate, level ice, ice ridges or iceberg?



yawlou's picture

As I recall Univeristy of Alaska Anchorage sometimes builds ice/snow bridges on their campus and so on as an exercise in engineering with its students.  You might want to ask someone in their civil engineering department if they have data or models for ice.


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