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soil modeling

My name is Bash Phd  in colorado school of mines and I am newbie in soil modeling  and I just started my PhD study  months ago. I am experimentally and numerically studying the stress distribution undernath the padfoot roller at the first stage, I need to have a constitutive model for soil with both dilatancy and hardening behaviors.

 I read about some models as Advanced Mohr-Coulomb or Modified Mohr-Coulomb which exit on some commercial software as PLAXIS, DIANA, ABAQUS... However my final goal will be the coupled dynamics-consolidation problem related topadfoot roller  load test therefore I wish to have a source code of one model and then developed it further.

If any one of you knows about any open-source code for such a constitutive model (Advanced Mohr-Coloumb for soil with both dilatancy and hardening behaviors) or any other advise can help me about this, could you please tell me how/where I can find it?

Thank you so much for your help and your time,

Best regards,


did you secceded in modeling the soil?

tuhinsinha.25's picture


I have been doing soil modeling for a couple of years using Abaqus. It is very good in solving such non-linear problems and has a variety of in-built constitutive model library to choose from. So far, I have had a good experience using that. I am not aware of any ope source codes.



sasekaran's picture

hey i also new for abaqus soil modeling. anybody help me what are the required input parameters?

Hi, I'm tried to make a 2d soil model to simulate how is the distribution of stresses on a plough tool, but the model don't work,

The deformation in the mesh is very large.

When I apply the  gravity as a load in the first step the soil flow and escape of the container, and if I apply a boundary condition (x=0) in this wall, my tool don't penetrate.

 Can you help me?




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