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composite modelling in abaqus

I have to analyse the jute epoxy composite laminate in abaqus 6.9. to determine interlaminar toughness of the frp plate. i am not able to model the composite lay up with the correct orientation of the fibre. so any body have the step by step procedure for modelling the composite lay up in abaqus please give it to me.


Have you tried the exemples in the Abaqus Manual? Normally the the following procedure must be respected:

- Defining a reference material orientation (*ORIENTATION)

- Defining the composite layup in *SHELL SECTION, LAMINATE: the ply must be defined from bottom to top along with the orientation

I have to analyse composite (45 degree )lamina applying load in unidirection. .
so any body have the step by step procedure for post processing of results of stress and strain in each lamina, how to find the ABD matrices    in abaqus please forward  to me.

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