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Hi! I want Subroutine umat for Hypoplasticity model,Sdvini and inp.file one-element(Fortran source) for ABAQUS.

Hi everybody

    At present, I am studying for master's degree for geotechnical engineering.  I am

interest in subroutine umat for ABAQUS very much. Especially, subroutine umat

drained and undrained condition.  I wish you, who has them or know a website to

download them. I wish you to send subroutine umat drained and undrained

conditions, subroutine sdvini and inp.file (one-element) Fortran source to me. 

Please sent them to me at (within this month)

    The finally,  I wish you to tell me a suitable material parameters in inp.file

and state variables in subroutine sdvini to summit successful for ABAQUS.                                                


                                                                     Best regards





you can check and (for hypoplastic model).

these umats are freely available and u can modify it according to ur problem

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