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cylindrical flat-ended tip indentation on Rubber




I am master student, and I am doing my project on cylinderical flat-ended tip indentation of the rubber-like material. Actually, I have a problem to model indentation with ansys 10. First I chose hypereleastic element, and then I fitted my uniaxial tensile test with mooney ( 3 parameters). In the next step I created a rectangle 2 cm (lenght) * 1.5 mm(Thickness) as a front view of my sample. I am using axisymmetric model for indentation). then I made boundry condition for load applied to rubber. The lines at the bottom and left side were set to zero displacement in all direction, and just two nodes in the left corner move down. Then in the solution part, I turned on the non-linear solution and large deformation, and I chose like 2000 sub steps. My problems are: 


1- the uniaxial stress and strain should be true or engineering?


2- I cannot make further deformation like 1mm or 1.3 mm penetration of the tip for 1.6 mm thickness (but it can calculate for just 400 micrometer or less than that) , and the software tells there are error in formulation or your nodes were distorded or guase radius is zero, (to solve this problem I made smaller nodes close to the indentation tip, but I still have this problem). 




Hello Amir,

I guess you already master using ANSYS software. Right now, i need to simulate tensile behaviour of my material by using ANSYS 15 in order to observe the crack formation and ductile behaviour of the material. However, when I simulate it, the result is not what I'm expected. Can you help me with this?


hasanzhong's picture

You may try ABAQUS.

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