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Some write-ups in mechanics

Mogadalai Gururajan's picture

My googling today brought me to this treasure trove of write-ups in mechanics:

This site contains informal (usually rough draft) technical notes and tutorials on topics in mechanics. The sophistication is at the first or second year graduate level. These write-ups include:

  • TUTORIALS: straightforward primers on particular topics.
  • MYTH BUSTERS: Misconceptions in mechanics
  • DUSTY CORNERS: little-known or interesting aspects of mechanics issues.
  • BACK DOORS: "Better ways" to do common tasks.

The write-ups are limited to topics that are too well-known to be published (in journals) but not known enough to be easily found in the literature.

The 190-page report titled Rotation: a review of useful theorems involving proper orthogonal matrices referenced to three-dimensional physical space (pdf), for example, begins with coordinate transformations, and ends with principle of material frame indifference and rigid body mechanics, with an appendix of FORTRAN codes.

Have fun!


I just looked at the "rotation: a review..." directly linked to pdf file. This review on "rotations" looks useful to people in mechanics as well as biophysics (biochemistry). I had an experienced to use the quaternion in order to compare the two protein structures such that root-mean-square-distance (RMSD) is minimized (i.e. elimination of rigid body motion in order to know the deformation of protein structure by comparisons between two structures). Sometimes, in protein mechanics, the Euler angle is unfavorable because of singularity (for certain cases of Euler angles). Anyway, the pdf file is interesting.

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